Thoughts, stories and ideas.

LAT Letters to the Editor: Why did Herb Wesson remove dedicated City Council staffers?

LAT Letters to the Editor: Why did Herb Wesson remove dedicated City Council staffers?

MARCH 24, 2022 3 AM PT To the editor: It is appalling that Karly Katona and Fernando Ramirez, effective and dedicated City Hall staff members serving Los Angeles City Council District 10, have been summarily dismissed [] . This is exactly the type of
1 min read
Modeling a Constituent-Driven, Transparent Process to Achieve Representation Accountable to the 10th District

Modeling a Constituent-Driven, Transparent Process to Achieve Representation Accountable to the 10th District

Dear LA City Elected Officials, Please find attached a copy of the Preliminary Report on the deliberations and conclusions of a virtual meeting convened by CD10 constituents to model a collaboratively developed framework for a transparent and accountable appointment process. Nearly 100 CD10  stakeholders participated. Their presence illustrated continuing interest
2 min read