KBLA Talk 1580: Tavis Smiley Says It’s Finally Oral Argument Time

By: Tavis Smiley
"With a KBLA Talk 1580 editorial, I’m Tavis Smiley.
October marks the third anniversary of Mark Ridley-Thomas’s indictment and suspension from the Los Angeles City Council.
Recently, I authored an Op-ed about various media actors who continue to abdicate their responsibility to report the truth in Dr. Ridley-Thomas’s case. I invite you to read the piece on our KBLA 1580 website.
Following months of filings, MRT’s appeal is finally set for oral argument on November 21 at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. A three-judge panel will hear and weigh the arguments of government prosecutors and MRT’s appellate counsel.
They will decide whether prosecutors in the United States Attorney’s Office properly interpreted and followed the law; whether the district court judge erred in deciding critical issues of law in ways that prejudiced the trial outcome and denied MRT a fair trial; and whether the verdict in the case should be overturned or whether the case should be remanded back to the district court for a new trial.
MRT is seeking an outright reversal of the verdict.
I have maintained all along that the United States Attorney’s Office exaggerated claims of corruption in this case.
Now, I could be wrong in this case, but I don’t think so.
Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court recently delivered a ruling in a case called Snyder that will have major ripple effects on the anti-corruption landscape.
In short, the court ruled that there is no criminal act, there is no bribe if there is no exchange for an official act. The legal statute does not apply to gratuities or gifts absent a quid pro quo agreement between the two parties.
As MRT never received any monies and no quid pro quo exchange was ever proven in the government’s case against MRT, I would think the Ninth Circuit has all the runway it needs to rule in MRT’s favor following the hearing next month.
Ironically, next month is also MRT’s 70th birthday which means that he has spent most of his adult life in love and service to this community.
It would be tragic for another court to miss an opportunity to correct the public record in a case that should never have been brought forward in the first place.
MRT cannot get these lost years back, but justice delayed does not have to be justice denied.
With a KBLA Talk 1580 editorial, I’m Tavis Smiley. As always, we welcome your feedback."